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Guns may NOT be brought into a fight already determined as a brawl/knife fight!


Fairly straight forward.  Either roll 1d100 for initial order OR players may choose to allow who starts the fight depending on the arc of the story.  Turn based logic until one or the other maxes out their hit points and lose the fight - ie: rendered unconscious typically needing medical attention, but depending on the injuries and OOC discussion, could also be to the death depending on the actions taken in the fight through action posts.  The GMs will read the log and will make a final call as to the severity of any injuries inflicted to either party.




Before the rumble begins, each side must agree to whether rumble is to unconsciousness or continuing to death.  Each individual will roll 1d100 to determine order of turns.  Each character will have a chance to take their turn, striking any opponent they wish.  Characters who reach their max hit points are out of the rumble - reference one-on-one for information regarding outcome.  The side with the last person standing is considered the victor of the rumble.  If the brawl was over some sort of shipment or money, etc. the victor then has or has kept possession of it.  If staking territory, the victor then has control of that area.  The GMs should be present for these brawls, but if not, they will read the logs and make a final call as to the severity of any injuries inflicted to all parties.




If the fight or rumble includes members of law enforcement, they will always be armed with firearms.  Generally speaking, law enforcement characters should not use their firearms in these non-firearm instances.  They may, however, use their tasers if the individual they are fighting with refuses to comply or surrender any weapons just like in real life.  Law enforcement characters may only use their taser strike once per fight.


For Taser Use:


Roll 1d10 : 

1-3 :  Miss or Malfunction

4-10 :  Taser Successful


For a miss or malfunction, the law enforcement officer deals no damage that round and takes damage inflicted by opponent.


For a successful tasering, the individual hit with it will max out HP automatically and is rendered to a prone, compliable position and typically will be placed under arrest.


The only time a law enforcement officer is able to use their firearm in a case of non-firearm fight/brawl is if they have reached their max hit points.  A last "honor strike" allows them to roll with the firearm dice in a last ditch effort to subdue their opponent.



AOL Chatroom Dice String Command:




(Replace ## with your character's dice rank)




In the case of any kind of altercation, it must ALWAYS be logged and sent to the GMs.  If there are any disputes, they will make the final call as too the outcome.  If you agree to a fight to the death and lose, your character will die and be removed from the game.  Losing a character isn't always fun, but in these sorts of story-lines, you are taking that risk.

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