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The President is the Chairman of the Executive Committee and the Chief Executive Officer of the club chapter. All matters concerning relations between the club and any outside person or organization should be routed to the President for appropriate action. The President or his delegate shall assume the Chair at all chapter meetings. He is responsible for controlling the meeting and keeping order. If necessary, the Chair may utilize the services of the Sergeant-at-Arms to aid in keeping order. The Chair may not make or second any motion, and may only vote on questions where their vote would affect the outcome, as in making or breaking a tie vote, or on ballot questions.



The Vice-President shall coordinate all committees and supervise plans for all club events. The Vice-President shall act as an intermediary between the President and the Members and Probates. All questions or comments concerning any club business not specifically related to the duties of the other officers should be brought directly to his attention. Additionally, the Vice- President is the Second-in-Command to the President, and shall assume all responsibilities and duties of the President in their absence.



The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for ensuring that the By-laws and Standing Rules of the club are not violated. He is responsible to insure that the orders of the Executive Committee are carried out in an expeditious manner. He is responsible for policing and keeping order at all club events, except as noted under the Duties of the Chairman. He may conscript members to aid in keeping order on their own authority. He has the responsibility to the club to report any unseemly behavior of incident to the Executive Committee. He is responsible for securing any patches or colors from any member who retires, resigns, or is expelled. The SAA is responsible for the safety and security of the club, as well as the protection and defense of its members and probates. He shall keep and maintain a record of all data pertinent to the safety and security of the club and it’s members and probates. Upon becoming aware of any real or perceived threat to the club, its Members, Probates, or events, he shall immediately notify the Executive Committee of that information. The Sergeant-at-Arms is considered Third in Command of the Executive Committee.



The Secretary is responsible for making and keeping all club chapter records. Membership List, Chapter By-laws, Rules of Order, Standing Rules, Records of all committee appointments, all written reports, copies of all correspondence between the club and any outside person or organization, Meeting Minutes. He is responsible for calling roll at the meetings. The Secretary must notify Active Members of special or emergency meetings, and must notify all the members of any appointments or elections in their absence.



The Treasurer keeps all the funds of the club chapter. All un-issued Club Colors and Patches, as well as a record of colors, patches, or reproductions there of issued to members. He may disburse funds to pay expenses as prescribed in the Standing Rules. The Treasurer must keep an accurate record of all income and expenses. He is required to report the fiscal status of the club at each regular meeting for the information of the members. He must submit a written annual report to the Executive Committee at the Annual Meeting.



The Road Captain is responsible for all club runs. He shall research, plan, and organize all runs. During actual time on the road or at intermediate stops during a run, he shall act as the ranking club officer, deferring only to the President or Vice-President if either of them are present, and only then for matters involving persons outside the club. He shall supply the Secretary with any information required to notify outside agencies of impending club runs in a timely manner.



First Nine are Senior Patched Members of the Club. They are held in the highest of standards among their brothers. Therefore their seat on the Executive Committee allows them a single vote to be given during Club Meetings. They are also the ones that ensure that other Club Members are given the orders set forth by the committee from these meetings. They also can bring to the table concerns, questions or even ideas that brothers within the club can not voice at the Club Meetings.



Revered Patched Members are senior patched members of the Club. They are held in high standards among their brothers. They have been with the Club for a long time and may have even served on the committee themselves. They have done much for the Club. Whether spilled blood (theirs or others). Done time for the Club or have been in a good standing. Most if not all revered Patched Members have sponsored probates on their road to become brothers.



Patched members are junior to mid-level members of the Clubs. They could be members that have just recently earned their Patch or are brothers that are well on their way to becoming a Revered Patched Member. These brothers are the heart and soul. They carry out any and all orders issued down from the committee with up most loyalty and dedication to the Club and to their brothers.



Probates are the most junior members.They have to earn not only their Patch but the respect of the brothers of the Club. Keep your mouth shut, never discuss club business with anyone. In reality the Probates are at the bottom of the chain. To be really good probate; learn all the members names, occupations, hobbies, etc. etc. Make yourself available for anything. Be there for the Club and eventually? They'll be there for you.



Old Ladies are senior women of the Club. If a woman is an Old Lady that means she belongs to someone. DO NOT FUCK AROUND WITH A BROTHER'S OLD LADY. Members are responsible for their old ladies. Members must state their intention to ask someone to be their Old Lady and a majority vote must be held and approved beforehand.  Old Ladies are assigned a property patch that reads  "Property of (MC Name) (Biker Nickname)" to attach to her own leathers.  If she will not be wearing leathers, the member is expected to get his Old Lady something that says the same thing - weather it be a necklace, bracelet, etc. The Old Ladies are the ones that assigned tasks/jobs for the Mamas of the Club to perform around the Club House or other businesses that the Club may own or operate out of.



Hang Arounds can be either male or female.  These are individuals who have ties with the MC, but are not a biker themselves or an Old Lady or Mama.  Hang Arounds typically have a biker who "sponsors" them with the club; members who sponsor a hang around are responsible for their behavior and actions.  Hang Arounds can be friends, family, business associates, etc.  They are able to attend parties, events, and gatherings, but are not able to know club business (except where it possibly pertains to their own business ventures), cannot attend church meetings, and typically cannot get involved in club runs/business.



A Mama is a female that is property of all Club Members. She is expected to bring money into the club - whether by giving a percentage of any business she owns or pay monthly dues. She is available to all Club members to wash bikes, keep the Clubhouse clean, and meet any other needs a Club member may have. Do the job well and just maybe she'll be noticed by a member. Who knows she might end up becoming an Old Lady herself one day.




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