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Use points earned to get your character's position promoted  or  have them spotlighted!




0 pts:   Probate / Rookie


100 pts:  Patched / Deputy


300 pts:  Revered Patched / Corporal


600 pts:  First Nine / Sergeant


1000 pts: Road Captain / Detective


1500 pts: Treasurer / Detective Sergeant


2100 pts: Secretary / Lieutenant


2800 pts: Sergeant at Arms / Captain


3600 pts: Vice-President / Deputy Chief


4500 pts: President / Sheriff




Characters may earn points at whatever rate they are able to; some will earn points faster because they are able to play/be online more often.  This is fine.  Characters will level up automatically to the level of Revered Patched / Corporal.  Once they have reached this level, promotions will not be based on points alone as there are a limited number of spots. 


For law enforcement, to move into a higher position, they will have to earn the points required, the position has to be available, and they have to be approved by the Sheriff, Deputy Chief, Captain and Lieutenant (If NPCs, the GMs will make the call).  For the ranks of Lieutenant, Captain, Deputy Chief and Sheriff with NPCs currently in the spot, in addition there will be a vote by all members of law enforcement - majority rules.  In the case of one of the four highest positions being taken by Played Characters, every four months we will have an 'election' in which every played character in the game will be able to vote on whether to keep the current character in the position or to vote in a character who has point eligibility and wants to take over the position.  If a played character is not re-elected, they will be given the choice of position from Detective Sergeant to Deputy and their dice will return to that level.


For MC characters, this will be a similar process as law enforcement.  When a character reaches eligibility for a First Nine Member (voting patched members), they can be voted into a First Nine slot by the current voting members (officers and any other played First Nine) as long as there are still NPC slots to fill - there are three First Nine positions.  The same is true for the other positions in the MC as long as there are NPCs holding slots - as characters reach point eligibility they can be voted into the next higher position and we will come up with storyboarding for why the NPC leaves the position.  Although a character reaches point eligibility, if played character currently holds the next available position, they cannot immediately be voted into that position.  Every four months each position will come to a vote in which every patched member of the MC may vote to either keep the currently elected character in position or to promote the character(s) with the same point eligibility.  This will happen with all six officer positions.  If a character is voted out of a position, they will return to revered patched member (along with their dice) and will have the opportunity to be voted in again at the next election. 




For every 500 points that a character earns, they will be eligible to have a spotlight event centered around them.  You will work with the GMs to work out a story/plotline they are interested in, and have it be spotlighted for other people to participate in as well.  We all love to have our characters recognized or the opportunity to have our SL ideas played out on a larger scale.  This is your chance to do so!

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