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Email the applications to: 

By submitting this application you are verifying you have read and understand our rules and guidelines, including use of dice, submitting activity points to gain promotions, and that playing here is at your own risk as character injury and death are always possible.




1. OOC Alias:

2. SN in Lowercase:

3. Time Zone:

4. Days/Times Available:

5. Find Answer on Info Page:


6. Character Name:

7. Age:

8. PB name w/link to pic:

9: Occupation:

10. Employer:

11: Parents' Names:

12: Siblings' Names/Age:

13. Marital Status:

14. Name of S.O. or Spouse:


[ ] Pale Riders

[ ] Head Hunters


[ ] Prospect

[ ] Patched

[ ] Old Lady

[ ] Hang Around


15. If patched, year started prospecting:

      If patched, year patched in:


      Served Time for Club?


16.  If Old Lady, who is Old Man?

       Year became Old Lady:


17. If Hang Around, who sponsored you?


18:  Give us a short personal history:


19:  Include links to a pic of character's home, vehicle, etc.

       You may include up to six.


20.  Did someone recruit you?  If so, who?








1. OOC Alias:

2. SN in Lowercase:

3. Time Zone:

4. Days/Times Available:

5. Find Answer on Info Page:


6. Character Name:

7. Age:

8. PB name w/link to pic:

9: Parents' Names:

10: Siblings' Names/Age:

11. Marital Status:

12. Name of S.O. or Spouse:


[ ] Rookie Officer

[ ] Deputy


13. Year started Academy:

      Year started as Deputy:


14:  Give us a short personal history:


15:  Include links to a pic of character's home, vehicle, etc.

       You may include up to six.


16. Did someone recruit you?  If so, who?








1. OOC Alias:

2. SN in Lowercase:

3. Time Zone:

4. Days/Times Available:

5. Find Answer on Info Page:


6. Character Name:

7. Age:

8. PB name w/link to pic:

9: Parents' Names:

10: Siblings' Names/Age:

11. Marital Status:

12. Name of S.O. or Spouse:


13. Occupation:

14. Employer:


15:  Give us a short personal history:


16:  Include links to a pic of character's home, vehicle, etc.

       You may include up to six.


17.  Did someone recruit you? If so, who?






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