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Harlan, Kentucky.  Where, as the song goes, you never leave Harlan alive.  Set in the hill country of Kentucky, the area is known for its violent recluse population who are dangerous, deal in drugs and booze, have little to no conscience, and don't let anyone who crosses their paths come away unscathed.  We've upped the anty here in this story-line to combine this idea with an outlaw motorcycle theme. 


Here in the town of Harlan and surrounding areas are two rival outlaw motorcycle clubs, some law enforcement added in, and a few townspeople trying to survive the bloody wars that tend to take place in their streets and among their homes.  This will be a heavy MC and law enforcement SL, so while we will do our best to include all character types, our primary focus will be the main groups this SL is centered around.  If you plan to join, you'd best be aware of that.  This isn't really a community centered SL.


We've probably all seen the MC SLs out there who have all of their members running around like a badass with nothing to back it up, no basis or foundation for the positions they hold, and little to do besides drink and carouse with no opposing forces to tangle with.  We hope to resolve all of that wasted effort with our set up here, though it will be pretty different than what has been out there in the past.  We just ask you to have an open mind and consider the benefit to what we're implenting here.


  • Everyone coming into an MC or the law enforcement field will all be starting out at basically the same level.  For MC, your character has the option of coming in as a prospect, nomad transferring in as a patched member, or a newly patched member.  For law enforcement, your character has the option of entering as a rookie right out of the Academy or as a patrol officer transferring in from another law enforcement agency.  We've done this so everyone starts out on a level playing field rather than all of the top positions getting filled up first and nothing is left for any new members joining after the initial start of the game.


  • With everyone coming in at the same level, how will they advance?  Good question!  We will be implenting an activity achievement system.  Playing an MC character?  Attend church meetings, participate in runs and tasks, jump in at MC events.  If  you're active and prove your character as an asset to their club, they will advance.  Don't have the time to be here a lot or don't participate a lot? You'll still have your place held or advance at  a slower rate, but those around most often will probably hold the higher positions imperative to the story development, as it should be.  Same for law enforcement characters.  Be active and have your character actively participating and doing their jobs?  Advancement is in their future.


  • So we have characters with different "ranks" .. what do we do with that?  How does it benefit them to advance?  Well, one is obvious: a higher position and role in the story-line itself.  Greater respect, authority, and value.  Second, we will be using a very simple dice system.  Higher rank means higher dice.  Are we super dice-minded freaks that will want dice to overtake the story?  Absolutely not!  One thing most seasoned players complain about are the god-moding characters who ever seem to take their licks and wield power beyond what they should.  The fairest way of combating this and offering a more exciting and less predictable environment is using a dice system.  We promise that it will not overtake the story.  It is simple enough for a newb to figure out and use.  It'll be worth your while.


  • Characters CAN die here!  And they just might.  Real life is unpredictable.  So is this game.  Your character is entering a very dangerous environment.  As such, it is a very real possibility they will find themselves in situations where they may deal great harm to someone else.  There is also a very real possibility they will find themselves in situations where thet are being dealt great harm.  It all depends on the situation.  If you join this group, you should celebrate this.  If you're too attached to  your character to ever consider them possibly dying, then this is not the group for you.  And that's okay, but we won't be altering our game for you preference.


  • Characters can also be arrested here.  Sometimes it is for a few days.  Sometimes much longer.   If your character is of the criminal element, it is something to be aware of - especially when posting for illegal behavior.  Be smart.  You leave a rock unturned, your character may pay for it if a law enforcement character picks up said rock.  We will post a list of convictions and their "jail time" so that you will be aware - jail time will consist of play regulated to other imprisoned characters as well as jail visits.  Law enforcement will have to follow guidelines for arresting and evidence requirements for search warrants.  The moderators will help with these situations.


  • Please don't wait around for moderators to create activity for you.  We WILL be adding in details and situations to help the story along, but we won't be regulating everything at large.  We ENCOURAGE you to stir up your own in-character drama.  Your character crosses paths with someone of a rival MC?  Make something of it.  You have an idea for some sort of story for your MC?  Bring it up at a church meeting.  We WANT everyone to add their own flavor to the group.  A townsperson?  Play one end against the other for the highest bidder.


  • What's the deal with women and the MCs?  For females to be involved with the MC, there will have to be some sort of connection that makes sense.  They will not be bikers themselves, but serve some purpose to the club.  They might be able to offer the club something of benefit through their profession, be involved seriously with a biker, or be an Old Lady.  The women of the club will be something similar to the "Pink Ladies" in Grease and can have their own business ventures and SLs related to the club, they just will not be involved in the business end of it.  If we have enough interest in it, we may look into creating a rank system/dice for the females as well.


  • The necessary evil: OOC drama.   Don't do it.  You only have ONE chance here.   You cross, fail to handle situations in a mature fashion, or just generally act like a big douchebag, we'll send you packing.  We don't care "who" your character is, how many people you RP with, how active you are, or how many "friends" might leave with you - you'll be gone. 


  • Inactivity.   Sometimes it happens.  Try to let us know when you'll be away for longer than a week.  Don't join only to disappear on us before you even play.  If we haven't heard from you in a couple of weeks, you'll be removed.  You're welcome to rejoin, but you will forfeit any advancement your character may have made.


That was a little long, so we hope you've hung in long enough to read it.  If you want to join, you'll have to prove it.  As an aswer for question five on the application, please state the part you agree with most on this page.  We know this story is a little different in its set up, but we hope you can envision and appreciate what we are trying to accomplish.  Thank you for your interest and for reading!  We look forward to playing with you soon.



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