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Revered Patched Member




co-owner; harlan 24-hour gym


current points:  395

dice | hp :  2d28 | 14



Full Name:  Eric Nolan

Age:  Thirty-six

Marital Status:  Widower

S.O./Spourse:  n/a

Parents:  Shane & Ashley Nolan

Siblings:  n/a


Moniker:  "Ricky"

Prospected:  2007

Patched:  2009

Notable Mentions:  Time Served, One-on-One Rival Fight Victory

Club Ink:  n/a

Position:  Revered Patched Member


Personal History:

Eric has been a native to Harlan for as long as he can remember. Much of his upbringing was influenced by crime, and dealing with seedy people. His father was abusive, his mother an alcoholic, so when Eric was able, he stayed as far away from his family as possible. He was inherited by a nearby MC, joining their team as a hang-a-round, learning how to fix bikes, fight, and about the trade. When he turned eighteen, he became an prospect, but left to join the Army because of the war in Iraq.


Upon his return, the MC unanimously voted him in and awarded his patch in honor of his service to the nation and what he had accomplished despite his trashy past. Immediately, Eric fell into the mold, taking jobs under the cover of a contracting company to earn money. He made sweet with an old high school sweetheart and settled down to have kids. His activity in the MC became that much more involved because he needed the money to provide a better infrastructure for his family than what he had received growing up. Unfortunately, a huge turf war broke out and it had been brokered by people who turned on Eric amid business dealings.


The large factor in these dealings involved the feds, who had infiltrated the crime circle with the hopes of bringing everyone crashing down. It did not happen this way. Instead, while Eric was off fighting an ambush from a local gang looking to sweep the MC off the map, his family was simultaneously being kidnapped to be held as ransom. When Eric made it back home to check on his family, he found the feds there waiting to arrest him.


Eric was quickly sentenced to 5 years in prison for having brokered with and organized a melting pot of crime in the Harlan area. In large part, his sentence happened because he refused to give out any names, even those that had taken his family hostage. After the hearing, and when the Marshals took Eric into custody, he received word from the MC that they had been unable to find his missing family. Later that week, the authorities informed him they had been murdered.


Five years have passed, and Eric has just been released. The MC is waiting to pick him up and take him back to Harlan.


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