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yard foreman; harlan lumber


current points: 0

dice | hp :  2d20 | 10



Full Name:  Harrison Jennings

Age:  Twenty-four

Marital Status:  Married

S.O./Spourse:  Aria Jennings

Parents:  Tanya Kendricks

Siblings:  Ashley Kendricks (22)


Moniker:  "--"

Prospected:  2015

Patched:  --

Notable Mentions:  n/a

Club Ink:  n/a

Position:  Prospect


Personal History:

Life isn't easy when you are a bastard in a small town, it's even worse when your mother isn't exactly the pinnacle of small town society, but growing up poor and wanting turned a young boy into a stalwart survivor, the other side of the tracks is an understatement for Harrison but you run your mouth about where he comes from you are liable to end up with a broken jaw. Even as a youth he had a problem with authority, and a relationship with trouble. Arrested for the first time at the age of thirteen for theft, kicked out of one high school for fighting, and a laundry list of charges from thirteen to seventeen, rounded out the boy's youth. However, under that rough exterior is loyalty to those that earn it, and a sense of honor...even if sometimes it is misplaced. His mother was never around, an addict that was only kept in by the graces of being a homegrown girl, he hated her though, hated her for reasons he shouldn't, despite who she was she loved him, and tried to provide, usually leaving her to cling to whoever might help a poor single mother with an addiction. At sixteen, Harrison met Aria, it was a small town romance story for the ages, she wanted to fix him, and she didn't even know where to put the pieces. He loved her, in the volatile, messed up manner he knew. At eighteen he worked odd jobs, a high school drop out, repeat offender, and in and out of a relationship he nor her could even hope to control. He loved her but, he didn't even know what love looked like and as such, he was never there. Leaving and coming back whenever he needed her to lick his wounds or bail him out. Finally at twenty-one, they walked down the aisle, they thought they had it figured out. A year later he was out, living in a shit hole apartment while she kept everything, he went down a dark hole then, no one heard of him for months and when they did, it was in the form of a man who had nearly lost his life. Picking up the pieces thanks to a chance meeting with a member of the Headhunters, Hank Morgan, better known as Hippie, gave him a chance at the family he had never had, and always wanted.


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