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deputy; harlan county sheriff's office


current points:  0

dice | hp :  2d20 | 10



Full Name:  Miranda "Gonzo" Gonzales

Age:  Twenty-nine

Marital Status:  Single

S.O./Spourse:  n/a

Parents:  Leo & Angela Gonzales

Siblings:  n/a


Academy Year:  2011

Date of Hire: 2013


Personal History:

Miranda didn't begin in Harlan County. She actually lived in Texas. It was there she attended High School, graduated, and pursued a promising college climb at Texas A&M, where she graduated with a degree in business management. She never pictured herself being in law enforcement, but the market for jobs was terrible. Everything was soaked up, and she just couldn't see herself being a secretary or something uneventful and boring.


Job searching one day revealed several openings in a Sheriff's Department in Harlan County. Miranda didn't know much about Harlan, but she needed to get out of Texas and experience other parts of the nation. So she sent her resume in, crossed her heart, and waited for a phone call to start her screening process.


She was screened and selected to attend their police academy. Miranda wasn't the best at dealing with confrontation, but the academy taught her patience in the face of adversity. She learned how to shoot, she learned how to defend herself, and she learned how to survive.


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