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owner; sins of the skin tattoo parlor


current points:  80

dice | hp :  2d20 | 10



Full Name:  Penny Mae Hawthorn

Age:  Thirty

Marital Status:  Single

S.O./Spourse:  n/a

Parents:  Thomas & Samantha Hawthorn

Siblings:  Tobias Hawthorn (17)


Personal History:

Penny had grown up not poor, but it had gotten real close some winters.  Her dad always worked his ass off in that water plant in Savannah Georgia, and her mama had always found time for them despite pulling doubles at the local grease spoon.  Times weren't tough, but they weren't exactly either easy considering as a kid she not only had little to no wealth status in school, but she had a temper to boot.   Soon enough the kids learned to leave her alone, and she liked it better that way.  It gave her more than enough chances to sit by herself and work in her sketch book.  The only friend she had she'd gained by hitting him with a chair when he stole the sketch book from beneath her pen, causing a huge irremovable scar of blank ink across the sketch that had taken weeks to even get to the point it had been then.    He'd laughed with a busted nose and introduced himself as Hunter Davenport. 


He'd been the only friend she had, and she'd clung onto that friendship as long as she could, he had money and she didn't -- and truth be told it wasn't too hard to forget most days.  In the end, though, the glaring gap between their families was obvious when her daddy lost his job and they had to move the family of four to Harlen Kentucky so he could work at the saw mill, where an old family friend had managed to secure him a job while Hunter went off to some prestigious college and by this point probably had a pretty little wife, kids and a picket fence.  All three things that made Penny want to gag.  What did Penny want to do?  Well she wanted to live life on her own terms, and fuck anyone who told her that she couldn't.  So she'd put her artistic skills to good work. What more could a town that seemed to pride itself on bikers need more than a tattoo artist?  Outside of a mechanic, or a distillery? Not much.  So that's what she did, she opened her own business, a Tattoo Parlor  -- Sins of the Skin.


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